CV-Online recruitment services

Headhunting solutions

Headhunting solutions help find candidates who are difficult to reach on the job market, whether due to the scarcity of a specific job profile, demand, or specific competencies.

When to choose
Headhunting solutions?

Headhunting solutions are suitable for clients who recruit the kind of people who are difficult to reach on the labour market. The reason may be the job profile’s scarcity or demand, or the specific nature of the competencies.

Within the scope of a Headhunting solutions, we contact passive applicants. Different channels are used to search for applicants, including the CV.ee database, LinkedIn, FB groups, websites of companies, websites of professional associations and other channels that include public data and where the searched target group is represented.

A passive applicant is an applicant who is not actively applying for jobs, but who matches the desired profile. Usually, one passive applicant has to be contacted several times before he/she makes up the decision; therefore, the project needs more time for preparation.

Solutions selection

Headhunting from cv.ee database

Solution includes

Headhunting from cv.ee database & interviews

Solution includes

External Headhunting

Solution includes

Solutions comparison table

Frequently asked questions​
Which CV-Online recruitment service to choose?

In order to know which recruitment service to choose, it is first necessary to define the problem you want to solve. Recruitment service is most often outsourced due to lack of in-house time or recruitment knowledge.

Why choose recruitment services?

Recruitment solutions are often determined by the problem you are trying to solve. Our customers are mostly companies that want to recruit people who are harder to find. On the other hand, companies use recruitment services due to the large number of candidates, which makes the selection process time-consuming.

What does the price of recruitment services depend on?

In most cases, the price of recruitment services depends on the level of complexity of the profile and the selected additional services. The complexity of the profile is determined by several factors: job location, competencies, work experience, working time and salary.

How much do recruitment services cost?

The price of recruitment services depends on the ordered service and the complexity of the profile. Ask for offer from here.

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